Privacy Policy 🧾

Welcome to my privacy policy.

On this page, you will find all the information regarding data collection on my website.

(If you think you’re not leaving any data on the internet… think again).

But don’t worry, I’ll explain it all to you. 👇🏽

What exactly is a personal data ? 🤔

A personal data is any data that makes it possible to identify you, directly or indirectly, using information that’s unique to it.

It includes things like:

    • surname
    • first name
    • e-mail address
    • phone number
    • date of birth
    • and all the classics

But it can also be :

    • your IP address
    • your MAC address
    • the reflection of your face in a photo posted on facebook
    • and anything else that might identify you in some way.

In short, in the digital age, unfortunately you can’t really live without leaving data here and there.

Why are you collecting my data? 🤨

Let’s be clear—I don’t really want to collect your personal data. The thing is, it’s almost unavoidable. If we bumped into each other in a bar and started chatting, I’d give you my first name and ask for yours…

And that’s a personal thing! 🤷🏽‍♀️

There’s nothing inherently wrong with personal data. It’s how it’s used that often poses a problem today…

Some companies, who are responsible for the security of this data, don’t pay enough attention to it and either leave it lying around or, worse, resell it… 😠 (that’s one of the things that drives me crazy)

Personally, I hate receiving spam after subscribing to a newsletter, and I imagine it’s the same for you. So, believe me when I tell you that I’m as careful with your data as I am with mine.

What data do you collect? 🕵🏽‍♀️

Now that we’ve clarified a few things, let’s dive into what data I collect about you.

If you’re a website visitor:

As a visitor to my website, I respect your privacy. I don’t ask for your first name, email address, or astrological sign! 😉 I strive to minimize data collection, which is why I don’t use Google Analytics.

However, like everyone else on the internet, you leave traces when you connect using a computer, tablet, or phone. While I limit data collection, some cookies are necessary for the site to function properly. You can find more information about cookies in my “Cookies Policy.”

If you contact me for a freelance service:

When you reach out for a service, I’ll need some additional information to send you a quote, invoice, or simply get in touch with you. This includes:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

In the case of a company, I also collect your SIRET number to facilitate transactions.

If you buy a product from my online store:

If you make a purchase from my online store, I’ll need the same information to provide you with an invoice:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

If you subscribe to my newsletter:

Lastly, if you choose to subscribe to my newsletter, I’ll only need two pieces of information: your first name and an email address where I can reach you.

Who has access to this data? 🔒

I am the sole entity responsible for processing your data. As a sole trader, I manage and secure your data to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Rest assured, I do not share or pass on your data, whether free of charge or for a fee, to third parties. (I’m just as irritated as you when someone forgets to use the blind copy in an email…)

However, to provide specific services and ensure the best possible experience, I utilize some subcontractors. Below is the updated list:

  • Hostinger: This platform hosts my site. You can read their terms of service here.
  • Mailerlite: This is the platform I use to send my newsletter emails. Regarding personal data, the platform only stores your name and email address. This information is stored within the European Union.

If you wish to learn more about their data processing procedures, feel free to check their privacy policies on their respective websites.

How long is the data stored? ⏳

Newsletter: If you choose to unsubscribe from my newsletter (are you sure?), I no longer need to retain your email address.

I have no intention of reselling your information or keeping it for future use. Therefore, I promptly delete it from my database when you unsubscribe, and that’s the end of it.

Legal documents: For important legal documents like invoices, estimates, and other accounting-related records, I retain them in compliance with relevant legal requirements.

But... do I even have rights? ✊🏽

Absolutely! Your data is yours and yours alone. YOU have the power to decide what companies can do with it.

What about us?

First and foremost, I don’t collect anything without your consent. If I have data about you, it’s because you’ve willingly provided it. I make sure to be crystal clear about this. Data collection occurs only when necessary for communication or collaboration.

Please note that you can end our relationship at any time.

Your Rights:

In accordance with current legislation, you have essential rights:

  • Right of Access to Your Data: You can request the data I hold about you for any reason.
  • Right of Rectification: You can correct, modify, or update your data. I won’t be offended if you change your first name!
  • Right of Opposition: You can refuse the processing of your data, especially for marketing purposes.
  • Right to Erasure/Right to be Forgotten: You can request the deletion of your data.
  • Right to Data Portability: You can retrieve your data or request its transfer to another service provider.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: You can limit my use of your data if needed.
  • Right not to be Subject to Automated Decisions: Don’t worry, I’m the one making the decisions, not Chat GPT 😉

For more detailed information about your rights, you can refer to the official text of the GDPR: Read the GDPR

To exercise your rights, you can contact me by email at the following address: contact[at]

What if I'm really not happy? 😤

If you’re really not happy, first of all I’m sorry.

I’m doing my best, but if you’ve contacted me and you’re still not satisfied with the way I’ve handled your data, you can of course lodge a complaint with the CNIL :

Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés

3 Place de Fontenoy

TSA 80715

75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

What about cookies? 🍪

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of data that act as connectors between users and websites. Think of them as a blend of an online ID card and a digital Post-it Note, aiding the website in recalling the user’s preferences and activities. These small text files are downloaded by a website to a user’s device, enabling tracking of their behavior on the website and remembering their choices.

Are Cookies bad?

Website cookies aren’t harmful in themselves; they don’t download computer viruses or read email addresses. However, they can pose security threats as they collect personal data about browsing habits, making this information susceptible to data breaches and theft.

How do cookies work?

When a user visits a website, a cookie is downloaded into their web browser (e.g., Google Chrome) and stored as a plain text file. Each browser stores cookies in slightly different locations. Upon the user’s return to the site, their web browser reads the file and shares the information with the domain they’ve visited.

There are two main types of internet cookies: session cookies, which collect details from a single browsing session, and persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s device and gather login information over time.

The collection of personal information by cookies, coupled with the security risk they pose, has led to the creation of cookie laws and regulations.

Essential cookies, performance cookies, and functionality cookies are often used based on GDPR legitimate interest or for the fulfillment of a contract. Therefore, user consent isn’t necessarily required for the lawful deployment of these types of cookies.

On my site, I strictly use technical and functional cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the site, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for you. I do not use advertising, content personalization, or social network cookies.

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